Consulting means a lot of things to a lot of people. Here’s what it means to us.

We collaborate with leaders and managers at small to medium companies (5-500 employees) on their IT systems, especially systems based in Microsoft 365. 

We identify problems and opportunities in your IT systems, your business processes, and the relationships between them. We address those problems and opportunities in two ways. 

One, we build information architecture and set up your Microsoft 365 tenant to fit the needs and compliance requirements of your specific business. 

Two, we educate your employees about software to make them more confident and their work more efficient. 


If you’re here because… 

  • Your IT systems and business processes are a mess you can’t untangle 
  • You know you need to fix your Microsoft O365 tenant, but don’t know where to start 
  • Your team refuses to use Teams, SharePoint, or Office enough…or at all 
  • You want to pilot a larger IT systems project 
  • You moved your email to O365 years ago and were always curious what all those other buttons do 

…you need our discovery service. For a flat fee, our experts create a holistic snapshot of your Microsoft 365 tenant, then provide strategic advice to improve your IT systems for the people who use them. 

Email Authentication (DMARC)

If you’re here because… 

  • You want to keep bad actors from spoofing your email and pretending to be your business 
  • You need your marketing emails to comply to the latest mailing list requirements from Google and Yahoo 

…you need email authentication. For a flat fee, we’ll configure your DKIM, DMARC, and SPF records to block spoofers and comply to email providers’ requirements.  

Reporting Services

If you’re here because… 

  • You need a clear view of your Microsoft Office 365 tenant 
  • You’re trying to track down a specific issue in your IT systems 
  • You’re worried about security risks and financial costs associated with “ghost” employees 
  • You need to track compliance risks for regulations like HIPAA, ITAR, or PCI DSS 
  • You want to know if your SharePoint environment is out of control 
  • If you need to keep an eye on a specific metric in your O365 system like storage or resource use 

…you need WSC’s reporting services. With your choice of SharePoint inventory, account and licensing, Exchange inventory, and custom reports, WSC can uncover and explain insights you didn’t know existed. 


If you’re here because… 

  • Your team is struggling to adapt after a migration to Microsoft 365 
  • You want to improve your employees’ efficiency and technological competence 
  • You need to get your workforce up to speed on the latest technology 
  • You want to establish an ongoing learning culture at your organization 
  • You are trying to make your business processes more streamlined and consistent 
  • Your team is already competent at Microsoft 365 and is ready to learn advanced skills like automation 

…you need WSC’s IT education and training services. We’ll level up your employees’ skills with programs like SharePoint, Teams and Office 365. 

AI Services

If you’re here because…

  • You want to add AI to your tech stack but aren’t sure where to start
  • You need AI-powered automation to increase your business’ productivity
  • Your team is using AI tools with no oversight
  • Your company needs an AI policy
  • You need to know whether your AI vendors are legitimate
  • Your team needs AI education

…you need WSC’s AI services. We’ll help you navigate this new technological frontier safely, responsively, and productively.

Monthly Service Plans

If you’re here because… 

  • You want to have a predictable budget for your IT projects  
  • Want to take advantage of Agile methodologies for long projects  
  • You need an ongoing overview of your company’s IT usage  
  • You need to follow the progress of a migration to Microsoft 
  • You want to bundle any combination of WSC’s services into a convenient monthly package 
  • You need the peace of mind of a strategic O365 partner to reach out to for important business decisions 
  • You require regular access to a strategic Microsoft O365 expert for information architecture and business process advice 

…you need a Wellington Street Consulting monthly plan. Our plans come with customizable advisory hours with our president Mike Dixon, quarterly reports, and team education time. And that’s just the beginning.