Security risks. Regulatory compliance. Getting HR records to match up with reality. When it comes to your tech stack, there’s a lot to keep track of.

If you’re migrating to Microsoft 365, you need visibility to track whether the transition is going as planned. If you’ve already established a 365 tenant, technical debt builds up fast. You could have ‘ghost accounts’ of former employees haunting your system, using up Office licenses and opening you to security risks. You need to know if you’re on track to hit your cloud storage limit. Getting your employees to stay HIPAA-compliant or retain documents for the legally required duration is frustrating at best. And when you call your MSP’s help desk about SharePoint, you hit a brick wall.

You can’t just “set and forget” Microsoft 365. Keeping up with a constantly changing system that touches every department at your company can feel impossible. Wellington Street Consulting is here to help. We provide quarterly, monthly, weekly, or even daily custom reports on up to 265 data points in your 365 tenant. And, we contextualize those reports with expert analysis and strategic recommendations. You’ll see and understand what’s happening in your tenant, at a high level and in as much detail as you need.

The best Microsoft 365 consulting and reporting subscription

Each WSC subscription package includes a block of consulting time. That way, you have predictably priced access to expert assistance. Unlike many consultancies that bill in 15- or 60-minute blocks, WSC bills in six-minute increments, perfect for answering a single simple question.

We’re not a help desk – we’re your strategic advisor, with more than 15 years of experience implementing Microsoft products, from Teams, SharePoint and, Office to Teams, and more.

WSC can help you proactively identify and repair:

  • Storage, resource use, and user adoption trends
  • Migration issues
  • Holes in your onboarding and offboarding processes
  • Security risks
  • Compliance risks (HIPPA, ITAR, PCI, Department of Banks and more)
  • Potential improvements to your tech stack architecture
  • Opportunities for fully automated policies, hardening, and new tools
  • Ways to save money on your 365 licenses and subscriptions

It’s possible to create a better user experience, increase your efficiency, and stay on budget. Let’s work together to make it happen.

Bronze Silver Gold
Monthly Price$2,850$5,650$9,750
WSC Advisory Hours102030
Office Hours8
Lunch n’ Learn*11
Round Tables111
Quarterly SPO inventory report111
Quarterly MBX inventory report111
Quarterly Account & Licensing report111
WSC subscription packages are sold as 2-year contracts and billed monthly. If there’s a service or report you want to add or swap, give us a call. We’ll build a package to fit your needs.

Microsoft 365 education options for your team

Employees who know how to get the most out of their tools are more productive and more comfortable in their roles. Technology environments are constantly changing, so your team needs to keep up. WSC offers three educational options: Lunch n’ Learns, formal classroom sessions, and Q&As. We’ll work with you to pick a format that ensures your team gets the most out of each two-hour session.

Based on our 15-plus years of experience in delivering IT services, WSC has found hands-on training to be highly effective. We offer on-site sessions within a 90-minute radius of Boston.

Learn more about WSC’s Education Services.

Microsoft 365 reports customized to your specifications

WSC offers a broad set of standard reports, plus custom reports to capture the exact data you need. We format our reports to be easy to read and understand while fitting your specific requirements. You can view our reports in many configurations to display the most useful data. We deliver reports via a secure Microsoft 365 Teams tenant.

Our standard reporting packages are:

SharePoint inventory report. SharePoint reports examine your entire environment over 65 data points. We find answers to essential questions like how many sites you have and how many are actually in use. WSC can help you control site sprawl, a common issue in SharePoint environments.

Microsoft SharePoint logo
Reporting Services

Account & licensing report. This report provides a full inventory of all users in the tenant. It’s perfect for reconciling your records with your HR department’s head count. Regularly reviewing this report can help you save a lot while strengthening your tenant’s security.

Exchange inventory report. Monitoring and managing your Exchange environment can reduce headaches, mitigate potential security issues, and save you money. WSC 365 reports identify key metrics and up to 255 data points, including mailbox inventories and UPN/SMTP mismatch reports. You can identify mailboxes that can be free of charge if they are properly configured.

Microsoft Exchange Icon

Learn more about WSC’s reporting services.